Auxitrol Weston Repair Center
HABCO MRO has partnered with Auxitrol Weston to become an Authorized Repair Center, covering repair, replacement and warranty for the entire suite of Auxitrol Weston products. HABCO offers a 100% yield program, guaranteeing reduced turnaround times and operational readiness.
✔ Temperature ✔ Pressure ✔ Speed ✔ Vibration ✔ Flow ✔ Accessories
FAA Part 145 Repair Station
In 2017, HABCO became certified by the FAA to begin operations as a Certified 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Station, CRS#: 5HBR906C. Housed in a separate, dedicated space, the stand-alone business offers maintenance, repair and overhaul services under Limited Accessories for Airframe and Engine components. Additional product categories are planned to be added in the future as the footprint for the business expands.
The initial focus for HABCO MRO is concentrating on the core competencies of the parent company: HABCO Industries. The focus is on the repair of products requiring actuation, temperature, pressure and air/oil flow. This is currently where HABCO MRO can add the most value based on years of experience in manufacturing and servicing these products. As always, safety is held to the highest standard, and all work we perform is in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
HABCO’s Part 145 certification ensures that the processes, systems and controls at the repair station have been thoroughly reviewed, evaluated and tested. In addition to this, every HABCO maintenance worker in our repair station has undergone extensive training and is FAA certified in aircraft maintenance. Maintaining our Part 145 Repair Station Certificate ensures that FAA quality and standards of excellence are consistently maintained.
The HABCO MRO technicians are held to a high level of accountability and training. Part 145 technicians receive regular FAA approved training, are subject to random drug and alcohol screenings and their work is continually audited by the FAA in order to maintain the Part 145 certification. For every maintenance event completed, each Part 145 certified repair station has quality assurance personnel who review and ensure the highest level of service is maintained.